Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hilariously adorable things from the mouth of Owen! By the way, some of these things we are working on! :-)

Daddy: Owen, Daddy is going to stand here so he can make sure you stay in your bed.
Owen: Daddy, no stand right here!
Daddy: Owen, Daddy is going to stand here.
Owen...desperately searching for something to make Daddy go away: Daddy, go see Mommy!!

Owen: Hey Daddy, you get the remote
Daddy: What?
Owen: Daddy you get the remote, I watch a movie!

Owen: Hey Mommy, I get a chocate (chocolate) milk!
Mommy making a statement: You want chocolate milk.
Owen...thinking I was asking him a question: Oh! Ok!

Owen in the car: Look there's the ocean (Lake Hughes)
Mommy: No, it's a lake.
Owen: No, mommy it's not a lake! It's the ocean!
Mommy: No Owen, it's a lake...and the conversation continues!

1 comment:

missbee89 said...

Hey court! Ida watch a movie!!