Monday, June 22, 2009

I know, I know! It's been a long time, a very long time, in fact it's been 4 months and 10 days to be exact...a really long time! There is so much to catch up on and tell, but it might be better to recap and begin with a fresh start! But, I think that I will do that tomorrow, I hope! Maybe I would post more if my blog was pretty and I knew all the ends and outs of working it...anyone volunteers?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crazy Life

Well, I haven't blogged in a while due to a huge wedding order for my business, Scarlet Oak...nice plug, heh?...three sick children, two with sinus infections, a sick mommy, and piles of laundry! What a crazy month it has been!  Here are some updates on the kids:

Owen is still growing like crazy and says anything and everything he hears!  The other day while we were driving in the car, he said was very concerned because he could not see the moon as it was raining and favorite kind of day!  He kept saying "where is the moon? I don't see it."  Then the clouds broke a little and the following dialogue happened...

Owen: I see it!  I see the moon!
Mommy: Yay! You found the moon Owen!
Owen: The clouds covering the moon...Hey moon!  Where are you?  Moon?  Moon, come here right now!
It was pretty adorable!

Asher is still our sweet, happy boy that leaves the talking to Owen.  He can now sign All done, and More.  His words consist of down, wow, hi, yay, and woah.  He loves dogs and barks like them too!  He also loves music, and raises his hands in the air and is so cute!  

Knox is growing up so fast!  He loves to be held, smile and talk, and he is so bright eyed and alert.  Although he has been our most difficult baby, he is such a blessing and we can't imagine life without our little man.

I have been reading Phillipians...not as much as I should...and I have been so convicted and encouraged by it. I see the recurring theme of Rejoice, and it is such a great reminder that even in the hardest of days, I can rejoice in knowing that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and King, and that he will give me the grace and strength to press on.  It is a wonderful book and I would encourage all of you to read it!  Here are some of my favorite verses: 1:6, 2:3-8, 3:14-16, 4:4-8, and 4:13.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hilariously adorable things from the mouth of Owen! By the way, some of these things we are working on! :-)

Daddy: Owen, Daddy is going to stand here so he can make sure you stay in your bed.
Owen: Daddy, no stand right here!
Daddy: Owen, Daddy is going to stand here.
Owen...desperately searching for something to make Daddy go away: Daddy, go see Mommy!!

Owen: Hey Daddy, you get the remote
Daddy: What?
Owen: Daddy you get the remote, I watch a movie!

Owen: Hey Mommy, I get a chocate (chocolate) milk!
Mommy making a statement: You want chocolate milk.
Owen...thinking I was asking him a question: Oh! Ok!

Owen in the car: Look there's the ocean (Lake Hughes)
Mommy: No, it's a lake.
Owen: No, mommy it's not a lake! It's the ocean!
Mommy: No Owen, it's a lake...and the conversation continues!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am trying to figure this whole blog thing out! So bear with me as I update our favorite blogs and websites!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am having such a hard time being content in all things! We were looking into renting a home here in Castaic, but the jump from 2 bedrooms to 3 is a doozy! I must remember that God's ways are not mine and that His timing is perfect! No matter how much I want a yard for my boys, a washer and dryer to call my own, and more than one closet, I am and have what the God of the universe has planned for my good and His glory! May I remember this in my times of ungratefulness!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You know that you have kids when you fall asleep on the couch at 9:15!! Last night John and I decided to order takeout from our favorite little mexican restaurant Casa's your basic hole in the wall place that has amazing food! John suggested that we listen to a Q&A from John MacArthur while we ate, and he picked one from the archives dated back to 1977! It was neat listening to something from 32 years ago, and it struck me that JMac has grown in his understanding of the Word, and in his own faith, and in various interpretaions of the scripture since then, the church at the time met in the chapel, and so many other things have John and I being born...but God's Word is the same! It has remained unchanged! And even though through time we have grown to understand it more, it has always been the same, and it will always be the same! What a comfort it is to me that God is constant!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to our family blog! I hope that through my life I may be an encouragement and be encouraged in return from all of you! I have a full and crazy life with my amazing husband, and three rambuctious and adorable boys! I love my life as a stay at home mommy and love the Lord my Saviour Jesus Christ. My daily goal is to live for God's glory, and my daily failure is not living up to His perfection. I pray that this is just one way to praise Him through expressing my ups, downs, and everything in between and hopefully encourage in the process! Enjoy!