Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Musings....

Habits...habits can be a blessing or a curse. I had been in the good habit of running and I slipped out of that good habit after resting my knee for 2 weeks. I am now in the bad habit of avoiding 5:00 am at all cost. How can I get back into the good habit? Self-discipline! Another good habit! So, this week, I am going to try and make running my habit again...and that means waking up at 5:00 am will also be a good is good and 5:00am even in the same sentence?

Musings....I have so much going on the next few weeks and I am starting to feel like it is going to cave in on me. I am hoping to do a home décor haul and a drugstore beauty challenge, but we will see if I can get to it. I also still haven't forgotten about the fall tutorial and some more recipe reviews. Hopefully, it will all come together and if it doesn't I will remember that I need to rely on this verse:
"Be Still and Know that I am God".  I am tired, weary, and overwhelmed, but I know that all that matters is this...I need to be still. I need to trust in God in the way I say I do. I need to believe that although my house is a mess, laundry is piled up, I have 20 things on my to-do list, my eyebrows need waxing, and my toes need painting, that God wants me to do 1 thing...Be Still. Be still and glorify Him. Be still and love my husband. Be still and cherish my boys. Be still and serve others. Be still and TRUST Him. Be still.  I encourage you to join me on this quest.


Keep Calm and Count your Blessings...and your Boybarians!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thank you. I needed this be still reminder. I also need to be getting up at 5a.m. and getting my exercise in. UGH.